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Alessandra De Rossi: Right Down to the Wire

She is candid, quick-witted and funny — a few of the reasons why Alessandra De Rossi is loved by so many. But anyone who calls her “Alex”, those who know her personally, also know how deeply insightful and genuine she truly is.

An award-winning actress and a multi-faceted performer, her impressive credentials in TV and film date back over two decades. Her Instagram bio reads “Kaya ko lahat yan kasi wizard ako” (I can do everything for I am a wizard) – classic, humorous Alex. But where is the lie though? This remarkable artist recently accomplished yet another milestone. She wrote, starred in, and directed her latest movie, My Amanda; a film opposite her real life close friend and Philippines’ most celebrated actor, Piolo Pascual. The story revolves around two best friends who never crossed THAT line. They were each other’s ride or die and kept their relationship purely platonic all throughout their friendship. My Amanda, launched globally July 15th, is De Rossi’s directorial debut, and notably, the first Filipino film acquired exclusively by Netflix: A significant first for both Alessandra and for Philippine cinema.

Hiraya had a chance to interview Miss De Rossi touching on her latest project, lessons learned while navigating through the production, as well as her future plans and aspirations. 

Let’s talk about your latest film, My Amanda.

How does it feel that your directorial debut is Netflix’s largest acquisition from the Philippines, making history as the first Filipino film to have a global launch exclusively through their giant streaming service? 

Who said so? If it is, then I should be under a lot of pressure! I just hope everyone would have a lot of fun watching and I’m hoping the film brings back many good memories of our treasured friendships. As for Netflix, I’m honored by the deal and I just pray I don’t disappoint them. I’m not even sure if I did this right. This is my first film. Who gets it right at one try? I’d like to think it was a fun ride from start to finish and I hope everyone who sees it, feels the same way.

Tell us some of the lessons learned from writing, directing and playing the lead in your own movie.

That you can’t be in two places at the same time, which I should’ve known from the start. I really thought it was going to be a breeze, since I see a lot of actors turned directors, doing their own films. But it was very, very challenging for me. I’d love to try it again and just focus on directing, just to see if it isn’t as hard as think it is. Because it should’ve been really fun!!! But being the newbie that I am, it was hard wearing so many different hats all at the same time. It was fun, but I think I can give a straight answer about directing once I get to try it again. Because I’m pretty sure I’ve missed a lot and I have a mountain of lessons to learn.

What are some of your favorite lines that you’ve written for this film?

I’d never know the answer to that. But now that I think about it…the script is very talkative so I really like the quiet beats in between. I appreciate them more than the noise. But of course we needed that noise to appreciate the quiet. 

Your leading man, Piolo Pascual, also produced this movie and he’s a close friend of yours. Your sister also co-produced. What challenges did you face working with friends as co-stars and as your producers?

It’s hard to disappoint people that love you completely, whoever/whatever you are to them. I was praying the whole time that they get their money back. And that they don’t lose faith in me, even if I fail them… but I think Netflix took care of that. Haahahahaa.

Is there a story behind the song(s) that were played in the movie? 

None in particular

Through the Fire was supposed to be the first song Amanda would like to learn to play using a guitar, and for a first time player, I think it’s beyond impossible. Then it became a KTV song. KTV is really popular in the Philippines and if you can sing that song, you’re a certified singer. It was just for fun when I was writing the screenplay, till the lyrics added a whole new meaning to our film. I felt like it was a waste not to use the original song. It added so much color to the friendship and to how much one is willing to go through, to be with the other. And to just have each other. 

What would you want your audience to resonate with after they see this film?

Love. Friendship. Pure, raw, sincere connections. I crave for these things on cinema. Because it’s all about romance all the time, but that’s okay. I just wanted to add another layer to a love that is also without condition and expectations, but it could be stronger than any kind of relationship you’ve ever had. Friendships last a lifetime. So do some relationships. But let’s take out sex and romance. There is love that is not physical; it’s just how your souls connect. And it’s always deeper than fleeting romance.

Are you planning to continue this journey as a writer / director? What would you do differently in your next project?

I seriously can’t think of anything till I see the outcome of the movie. It’s really hard to say I did a good job. That’s the last thing I did for the first time. I’d like to savor that. But, I think I’d really try it again! As long as I’m not acting also, that lesson, I learned the hard way. 

How does it feel to hear the words “Direk Alex” or “Director Alessandra De Rossi”? 

Funny. I didn’t like it. We had so many directors on the set. We had Direk Joyce Bernal as our Creative Producer and Direk Boy Yniguez as our Director of Photography. It was very confusing to know which Direk we’re referring to!  So, I asked them to just call me Alex, but no one listened. 

You’ve done modeling; you’re an award-winning actress, a writer, director, who also sang one of your own original songs in the movie. What’s the next endeavor you’d like to undertake? Is writing a book on the horizon? 

Oh! I’d love to do that one day, I have so many stories to tell. But I’d like someone else to write them down for me. I don’t like writing and reading so much. I love talking, listening and interacting. It would be nice to have someone listen and just jot everything down. I’m lazy, okay? I have two albums online, under the name ADR, all my stories and hardships are in those songs. 

With all that you’ve accomplished so far, what would be your message to your younger self?

Stay strong. Stay strong. And that’s all I’ve done since day one. And stand by your actions, lady! You can’t just say you’ll direct a film and you’d have no guts to talk about it because you’re shy and… crazy. Stay crazy also. It will all turn out well in the end. Look at me mom and dad! Written and directed by…! Whaahaha! 

The name of the magazine is “Hiraya” which means fruit of one’s hopes, dreams, and aspirations: What do you still hope for, dream of, and aspire to become?

I just wanna be me. Whatever that turns out to be. And I just dream to stay happy all the time. Whatever that means. I’d take it all that way. Right down to the wire. Even through the fire (that song cost us so much. I just had to) 

My Amanda is now streaming on Netflix worldwide.