Glenn Solon, 19 years old, Otto Models LA, Stars Management

My family comes from Mindanao and Davao City but I grew up in Orange County and spent most of my childhood hanging out with my friends and going to the beach a lot.
I got into modeling when I went up to San Francisco. My friends are photographers so that
helped out a lot from then I got signed with an agency up there.
My proudest moment was when I started working out, I’ve never felt so much better about
myself and I feel good and healthy now.
If you want to get into modeling just have a friend take a few simple pics of you, also make sure
your self esteem is good too, confidence plays a big role in this career, so see where things go
from then.
My favorite Filipino word phrase is “Ano Ba” because it’s used a lot in my family almost
everyday, which I find hilarious.